Helping Student-Athletes Succeed, On & Off The Court
Rolando Lamb, America’s Character Coach, is teaching student-athletes nationwide how to win in
the game of life. As the brainchild behind the A-Game Elite Training System, he has drawn from his own experiences to create a proven, step-by-step plan that not only helps student-athletes improve their basketball skills, but also provide them with the tools to succeed in life. As the father of NBA player Jeremy Lamb and college basketball standout Zachary Lamb, Coach Lamb, who was drafted by the NBA himself, knows firsthand what it takes to make it to the top the right way.
He is a minister, coach, speaker and published author. With a passion for winning in the game of life – and helping others to do the same – Coach Lamb, who has been holding basketball camps and clinics for the more than two decades, has a unique ability to inspire others to take immediate action, produce results and realize their potential.
Growing up, Coach Lamb had numerous coaches who helped him with ball handling and shooting skills; but no coach or mentor to advise him off the court in the most important areas of life. Today, he has set out to change that. Recognizing a great need for character coaching among today’s student-athletes, Coach Lamb was inspired to develop his signature program. Just like in many other areas of life, he believes one needs a character coach to provide proper guidance, instruction and motivation in order to develop and implement character. As he travels from coast to coast, Coach Lamb’s ultimate goal is to inspire each program participant to realize his or her full potential and succeed in the game of life.
The Plan:
Utilizing Coach Lamb’s unique and interactive A-Game Elite Training System, a year-round personal development program, student-athletes are inspired to strive for excellence and soar to the top of their game in the three most important areas of their life (in this order):
A Winning Attitude: It’s not what you go through, but rather how you go through it. Attitudes turn into motivations that must be developed through the choices that we make, the actions we take and the values we live by.
Academic Excellence: Play the game; don’t let the game play you. Mental toughness goes beyond earning good grades, but learning to apply what you have learned, which leads to a greater quality of life.
Ability Training: Winners do daily what losers do occasionally. Work to be the best you can be. Be willing to dream big, set goals and go for it.
By building on this foundation, Coach Lamb is encouraging participants to win the right way and find lifelong success. The A-Game Elite Training System is teaching values that help produce champions for life!
The A-Game Team:
About Coach Rolando Lamb, A-Game Founder
A dynamic motivator, speaker, author and pastor who coaches people to maximize their potential and win the right way, Rolando Lamb is America’s Character Coach. Inspiring audiences throughout the country, Coach Lamb is guiding Fortune 500 leaders, professional athletes and student-athletes to achieve winning results.
As FOUNDER/CEO of A-GAME ELITE INTERNATIONAL, the worldwide leader in character-based personal development for athletes and coaches, Coach Lamb’s specialized series of programming teaches character by following a step-by-step plan on how to develop and implement it in all areas of life. He also shares his compelling messages at numerous seminars, conferences, workshops, schools and more.
The author of three books, including “In Bounds or Out of Bounds?”, Coach Lamb has drawn from his years of experience in athletics, in addition to countless hours studying the lives of champions, to develop his relatable and understandable coaching style.
He is a husband and father of four children, including Jeremy Lamb, who was selected by the Houston Rockets in the first round of the 2012 Draft, and Zachary Lamb, who plays Division 1 basketball at California State University Bakersfield.
Growing up without his father, Coach Lamb’s mother raised five kids in the tough inner-city of Portsmouth, Va., where he believes 80 percent of the people he grew up with are either dead, in jail, or on drugs. Learning the importance of how to win the right way by his mother at a young age, Coach Lamb’s childhood involvement in sports kept him off the streets and gave him the opportunity to develop his winning attitude, on and off the court.
Coach Lamb persevered and went on to became a high school All-American basketball player and earn a four-year scholarship to Virginia Commonwealth University, where he became a Hall of Fame player. He is famously known for scoring a game-winning buzzer-beater against
Northeastern University in the 1984 NCAA Tournament. Drafted by the Seattle Supersonics, he went on to play two seasons in the Continental Basketball Association (CBA).
Today, Coach Lamb continues to dedicate his life to helping and guiding others to strive for greatness and be at the top of their game in every area of life.
For more information, visit www.rolandolamb.com. Follow Coach Lamb on Twitter @coachlamb3.